Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering 9/11/2001

They Were Our Neighbors

by Dawn Colclasure

They were our neighbors,

Someone to whom we'd just say "hi."

Never did we ever think

The next day they would die.

We never took one last long look

Or gave an extra smile.

The attacks on September 11

Taught us to go that extra mile.

We'll never be able to hug them again

But now we can hug others.

And say an extra "I love you"

To our children, friends and mothers.

We miss our neighbors every day

And wish they were not gone.

But we'll cherish those that are still here

While we will move on.

The local Red Cross in Buffalo put out 2,917
flags in memory of those who died.

Today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11 -

we will never forget.

photos by peacesojourner

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