Saturday, August 14, 2010

Total # of U. S. Troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan - 5, 643

This is a typical day for the troops in Afghanistan

U.S. Military Casualties in Iraq

Since war began (3/19/03): 4,414

Total Wounded: Over 100,000

U.S. Wounded

320,000 Vets Have Brain Injuries

War Veterans’ Concussions Are Often Overlooked

18 Vet Suicides Per Day?

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq 318

US Military Deaths - Afghanistan 1,229

Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan 770

Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq 1,457

Journalists - Iraq 338

Academics Killed - Iraq 437

Sources: DoD, MNF, and

TOTAL: 5,643

Support the troops - bring them home!

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