Monday, March 15, 2010

Women - How Healthy Are You?

Medical Tests for Women in Their 40s

How healthy are you? Your 40s are a great time to assess the current state of your health, correct the abuses of your past, and prepare your body for the next four, five (or six!) decades of your life. Your doctor can help by checking you for problems that can rob you of your health.

Here's a list of the basic tests women should ask for. (Note that your doctor may recommend additional tests based on your personal health profile.)

Blood Sugar. Decades of eating the wrong food (think chocolate, hot dogs, fries -- you get the picture) plus weight gain (plus hormone changes in women) may have overworked your poor pancreas. It can't keep up and that can lead to diabetes. Starting at age 45, be sure to get a fasting blood sugar test, and then at least once every three years.

Breast Exam and Mammogram. You're probably checking your breasts at home regularly (you better!) and your doctor does an exam annually, but most experts recommend adding a mammogram to the mix somewhere between 40 and 50. When to start? Work with your doctor to decide.

Blood Pressure. Don't be surprised if your blood pressure starts rising now - that's common. Fortunately, you can lower your blood pressure through diet, exercise, and medication. It's worth the effort. Lower blood pressure is a key factor in longevity.

Cholesterol Profile. Take heart: this simple blood test can save your life. One in five Americans has high cholesterol, a condition that leads to heart attacks or strokes - diseases that claim a life every 33 seconds! If you have high cholesterol, protect yourself by changing your diet and taking medications such as statins.

Stepping on the Scales. You blissfully enjoyed chips and hamburgers while ignoring your expanding waistline, but the scale doesn't lie. Pay attention to the results: being overweight puts you at high risk for developing a number of diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

Pelvic Exam and Pap. Yes, you still need these -- especially if you're sexually active. Ten minutes of mild discomfort once every one to three years pays big dividends in protecting you from cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.

Looking for Moles. Those years of getting "a healthy tan" can lead to something not so healthy -- skin cancer. Luckily, most skin cancers are curable. So don't forget to ask your doctor to check your skin for unusual moles or skin changes once a year.

Protecting Your Eyes. Having trouble reading or working at the computer? It's not unusual. Be sure to get your eyes examined regularly -- every one to two years to check for common problems like presbyopia, glaucoma and macular degeneration. (Go more often if you have vision problems).

Checking Your Immunizations. Ask your doctor if you need a tetanus booster shot, and whether you should consider a flu shot.
This year, give yourself the gift that keeps on giving. Schedule a visit to your dentist, and call your doctor to see if there are important tests you should take. By investing an hour or so with the doctor now, you may be able to add years to your life.

WebMD Medical Reference
Reviewed by Jonathan L Gelfand, MD

Don't put it off any longer - Get those tests and examinations done soon.

I usually schedule a complete physical around my birth date. This helps me to remember when the next appointment is due.

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