Wednesday, March 10, 2010

5,398 U.S. Service Members Killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.

The following message is a call for action from United for Peace and Justice:

Call Congress Today: Vote to End Afghanistan War! Congress has the power to end the Afghanistan war with a majority vote of both houses.

The House is expected to vote Wednesday on a bill requiring all U.S. armed forces to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by the end of the year.

Call your House representative and tell him or her to vote YES on H. Con. Res. 248! Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

The bill, introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, asserts the authority given to Congress under the War Powers Act. If passed, the bill would require all U.S. armed forces to be withdrawn from Afghanistan in 30 days, or in any case by December 2010 if the President certifies they cannot be safely withdrawn that fast.

The bill is expected to result in 3 hours of debate on the floor of the House. "We haven't had a real debate," Kucinich said in explaining why he was pushing the resolution. "We want to light the fire of the American peace movement."

Even if this resolution does not pass, a large number of "Yes" votes would send a strong message to the White House that the Administration needs a real and rapid "exit strategy."

Contact your Member of Congress to support H. Con Res. 248, and ask your friends to do the same. 202-224-3121. 2009 was the bloodiest year for U.S. combat deaths and Afghan civilian casualties. There can be no military solution in Afghanistan. Yet tens of thousands of troops are on their way to Afghanistan this spring as part of the president's misguided escalation.


To date there have been 5,398 U.S. Service members

killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

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