Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snow Day


On the first day we shrug it off............

On the second day we start to understand that it's not going away.......

On the third day we decide to relax and enjoy it............

On the fourth day we start to rationalize it..............

From then on we just try to relax and survive it while our thoughts seem to be filled with imaginations of spring flowers and sunshine.

comics by Patrick McDonnell/muttscomics.com
comments by me - peacesojourner


Unknown said...

So true! BUT-- if it's going to be cold, I want snow. Living in Maine, back in the day when there was snow on the ground from the very first snowfall until very near the last, people would bank their houses with snow (and bales of spoilt hay). Now, what with climate change, good chance there'll be a significant melt during the winter that floods the basement.

peacesojourner said...

That is an interesting use of snow - I didn't know about that. My main preoccupation after a snowfall is trying to dig out the driveway I never considered piling the snow against the house.
thanks for your comment.