Though bottled water has been associated with healthy living since the 1980s, there’s very little evidence that it’s healthier than what comes from the tap in most places—and it’s certainly more costly. In fact, phalates, which disrupt the human endocrine system, can leach from the plastic into the water and into our bodies. From an environmental standpoint, there’s no doubt that our taste for premium water contributes hugely to the waste stream. Try plain old municipal water in a reusable glass or stainless steel bottles, which are free of bisphenol A (BPA) that is used in plastic. BPA has been linked to cancer and interferes with fertility.
If you're buying a new dishwasher, consider a water-saver. The most water-efficient models use only about 4 gallons per wash—about a third of what the least efficient models used. (Read the labels)
Run only full dishwasher loads. The most efficient machines use a third of the water of hand washing. About 80 percent of a dishwasher’s energy use goes to heating water
When washing dishes by hand - follow these suggestions:
Do not let water run while washing dishes. Wash dishes in bowl (or a plugged sink) and place in a second bowl of clean water to rinse. It may take some getting used to but you will save countless gallons of water.
For your next washing machine consider a water-saver. The most water-efficient washers tested, are the front-loading that use only about 30 gallons for a large, 19 pound load.
Standard washing machines use 40 gallons of water per load. If your clothes don’t have an odor or can be worn one more time, don’t wash them — and save a load a week. If most households were more vigilant about laundry, each year they would save enough water to fill more than 7 million swimming pools. When you do wash, put full loads (saving 3,400 gallons of water a year) in cold water.
- Take a shower instead of a bath which takes at least 20 gallons of water to fill. A five-minute shower with a lo-flow showerhead uses approximately 10 gallons of water.
- Don't run the water when brushing your teeth or washing your hands or face.
One visit to a commercial car wash can use 55 gallons or more of water. Wash your own car out of a bucket, fitting the hose with a spray nozzle for rinsing. If you can, park the car on your lawn—the gray water should be harmless, and your lawn will get a free watering.
If you use a commercial car wash, check to make sure it’s one that recycles its water.
Set out an open-topped barrel or a washtub and gather pennies from heaven—to spend on sprinkling your garden, washing your car, or other activities that don’t require potable water.