"For me to solve my personal anguish over war, I must transform my consciousness until violence is no longer an option." --Deepak Chopra
Waldorf Astoria Hotel
In the heart of London's West End Theater district the Waldorf Hilton, is a five star hotel with 299 rooms. The Waldorf Hilton has an illustrious history dating back over a century. Since its opening in 1908, the Waldorf has dominated the Aldwych skyline and is a living tribute to its Edwardian creators. The Waldorf Hilton celebrated its 100-year anniversary in 2008.
No I didn't stay there - I was just walking by :-)
Following a fire in 1512, Henry VIII decided to abandon the palace and from this moment onwards it became home to the two seats of parliament - the Commons and the Lords. However, it was to suffer from another disastrous fire in 1834 and everything was lost except Westminster Hall.
This site was strategically important during the Middle Ages , as it was located on the north bank of the River Thames in the London Borough of the City of Westminster. The palace has approximately 1,100 rooms, 100 staircases and 3 miles of corridors
During the Second World War, the Palace of Westminster was hit fourteen times by bombs. The worst of these was on 10 May 1941, when the Commons Chamber was destroyed and three people were killed.
Big Ben
Possibly the most famous clock face and chimes in the world, Big Ben is actually the name of the biggest bell (13.5 tons) inside The Clock Tower (320ft) which forms part of the Houses of Parliament. Built in 1858 the bell was named after Sir Benjamin Hall and when it was cast it was Britain’s heaviest bell. The clock’s four dials each have a diameter of 23ft, the minute hands are 14ft long and the numerals on each face are nearly 2ft high. The placing of old pennies in the mechanism controls the accuracy of the clock movement, yet it is incredibly accurate.
Anti-war groups have been pushing hard for weeks now -- first against the war-funding Supplemental bill and now in support of Rep. Jim McGovern's bill calling for an 'exit plan' from Afghanistan.
Today I received this request from United For Peace and Justice:
Dear UFPJ Supporter,
In the next 24 hours, Congress is set to authorize $550 billion in FY 2010 defense spending -- and with it, an additional $130 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This, on top of the $75 billion Congress approved for continuing the wars and occupations last week. Not to mention the fact that 6 million jobs have been lost and our communities continue to face stiffening budget cuts. To put it plainly, our nation's priorities are out of whack.
The sole bright spot in this is the McGovern amendment. House Representatives Jim McGovern (MA), Walter Jones (NC), andChellie Pingree (ME) have introduced an amendment to the 2010 military authorization bill, requiring the Pentagon to provide an 'exit strategy' to Congress by the end of this year.
That's why we need you to call your Representatives TODAY and TOMORROW and urge them to vote for the McGovern amendment. 20
Supporting the McGovern amendment and forcing the Defense Secretary to submit an 'exit strategy' will allow us to insert our voices into the debate and push for a complete and immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan. Before we can do that with success, though, we need to ensure that the debate happens at all - and this amendment is a step towards doing that.
So make sure to call your Member of Congress and urge them to support the McGovern amendment. Call the Congressional Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Tell them we need to end the wars and occupations and redirect spending to our urgent domestic needs!
United For Peace and Justice
American Military Casualties in Iraq
Since war began (3/19/03): 4316
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3856
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 88
American Wounded Official count 31,354
U.S. Wounded - Daily DoD Casualty Release
320,000 Vets Have Brain Injuries
Other Coalition Troops - Iraq 318
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan 711
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan 482
Journalists - Iraq 138
Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq 1,306
More than one million Iraqi's have been killed in the Iraq War
Sources: DoD, MNF, and iCasualties.org
AP: "Barack Obama: The human flyswatter."
Canadian Press: "Obama kills annoying fly, then keeps going on in TV interview." NY Daily News: "No presidential pardon for this pest."
This image made from video released by CNBC, shows President Barack Obama smacking a fly dead during an interview with CNBC correspondent John Harwood in the White House on Tuesday June 16, 2009 in Washington.
As I was typing I was thinking that I needed to post something a little lighter today because the past few days have had such serious content. I've been writing about hate crimes and suggesting that we all try to treat others kindly. As the thought was going through my mind this popped up on my screen. Now why did the Pres have to go and kill something during my 'Why can't we all get along" week?
Yes, PETA has already issued a complaint!
You can't make this stuff up can you?
:-) :-) :-)